50:50 Grant

50:50 Grant is designed to cover 50% of the cost of expensive equipment and therapies

50:50 Grant

Having a child with an illness or disability can be very difficult and when you need to purchase essential equipment or therapies, the costs can quickly spiral out of control. Yorkshire Children’s Trust has successfully supported children all over the region with grants to help cover the costs of a range of equipment and therapies that parents and carers would not be able to otherwise afford.

The 50:50 Grant is designed to cover 50% of the cost of the equipment or therapies and if families are not able to cover the remainder of the cost, we are happy to liaise with other charities to ensure your family gets the help it needs as quickly as possible.

Some of the successful awards have included help towards the costs of:

  • Apple iPad
    for a child who found it difficult to hold a pen or a pencil at school.
  • Specialist Car Seats
    which are ideal for children that are autistic or who have other specialist needs. We have an existing relationship with Windmill Special Needs.
  • Wheelchair Ramps
    to enable safe access into the home, or for a child to be able to use a garden safely.
  • Hydrotherapy Sessions
    for a child to strengthen leg muscles and alleviate pain.
  • Sensory Equipment
    for a child who has limited vision or needs support for another medical need.
  • Specialist Cutlery
    for a child who is unable to hold a normal knife and fork.
  • Specialist Buggies
    for children that have limited mobility and are too big or heavy for a standard buggy.
  • A Washer Dryer
    for a family who have a child with incontinence.

These are just examples of some of our support, we can help support your family in many more ways.

 “helping to relieve the financial burden of expensive, but essential medical equipment or therapies”

There is no set list of what we could possibly help with, but of course the awards are subject to approval of the charity Trustees who meet once a month to decided on award applications. By rule of thumb, if the item(s) you are applying for is to improve the health or wellbeing of a child with a physical or mental illness or disability it is more likely to be accepted. 

Our 50:50 grant is for items costing up to £1000, and we would cover 50% of an award, we would help with something costing in excess of this, but our maximum contribution would not be more than £500. Although we cannot make applications with other charities to help with extra costings, we are happy to liaise with them once you’ve applied so we can help get your essential items to you as quickly as possible.

  Frequently Asked Questions


Who can make an application for the 50:50 Grant?

We welcome applications from parents/guardians, teachers, social/support workers and medical professionals

What information will you need?

Initially we need you to complete the application form on this website. We will need to see a copy of the latest award letter if the child is in receipt of DLA/PIP. Support letters and medical reports will also increase the likelihood of grant acceptance.

Can I apply for white goods such as washer, fridge or cooker?

If there is a medical need such as incontinence we are happy to consider applications for washers or dryers. We would consider a small table-top fridge for medication that needs to be refrigerated. A cooker is a core item that any home should have, and we would not be able to help with the cost of cooking facilities.

Can you help with something completely different?

We are happy to consider all cases on their merit and in some cases we have helped with something different. We helped a wheelchair bound child who didn’t leave the house to see his favourite football team to aid his mental heath. We have also helped with the cost of a memorial garden in a school for a child that had sadly passed away.

My child has a broken bed, can I get a new one?

If the child has a medical need for a bed that would not be standard, such as a specialist mattress or one that has a raised head or base this would be considered. We would not be able to fund a standard bed.

Will I need a home visit?

In some instances we make random home visits. This is purely to validate the information you have supplied to us and to see if there is any other of the charity services which may be of benefit to your family.

Can I get help with a computer or tablet?

If there is a genuine need to aid with school work or to help with communication or another need, this would be considered.

If you have any more pre-application questions, please email charity@yctrust.uk or call a team member on 01422 728080.